Sunday, July 16, 2006
HELLOOO, fellow Earth specimens! Hi, my name is Shafik, and I'm feeling really random today! *HI SHAFIK!*
This is gonna be my first ever REAL post in this class blog. Okay, I know it's kinda really really late for an introduction, but here I go!
My full name's Muhammad Shafik Bin Basir. I'm 18 this year, my birthday's on 28th March. I'm a many colours person, and I like blue, black, white, green & red. I love cats, and I wish to have one as a pet one day, but my mum would slap me, causing me to promptly pass out into a coma. The reason why I'm more experienced in life than all of you by one year, is cos i retook my math. Yeah, i took private math cos i failed math. BUT i got good grades for the other subjects hor! I've taken a few jobs the past few years - Toys r Us, Seoul Garden, Breeks, McCafe, and also as a freelance designer. Im currently working at McCafe East Coast Park. So.. try not to visit me at work, or I'll splash Latte on your face. I have permanent cravings for Ice Longan, Nutella & Twiggies, my Mother Tongue is horrendous, and my pinky toe twitches non-stop every midnight. Ok, now for my random talk.
Oh! I happened to switch on VH1 Smash Hits a few days back. Well, they have these SMS messages scrolling along the bottom of the TV screen.
One of them read: "I love Sun Yan Zi! She made in Taiwan, now she made in Singapore. She is big and good!."
At which point, I fell off the sofa laughing my ass off. It wasn't the hideous English which made me laugh (like, made WHAT in Taiwan?), that was just pathetic. It was the total irony of her being "big and good". I don't see anything on Sun Yan Zi that's remotely big!! All I see are two pimples on her chest. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Oops, mad laughter.
Oh yeah! Please remember to sign up for the 100th FMS day with either me, Mona or Charmaine. YOU MUST.. or I'll set my deranged bunnies against you.
Okay that's all I have for all you sexy people. Good luck for Medisoc exam, and may your pink-shirt-eating soup stay warm.
8:01 PM